
Tuesday, April 1, 2014


There are some people who can speak to the prophets
Don't ask me how

Don't ask me what they hear
   or what they say
   or who they are

But I suppose they stand in a place of quietness
A place where beauty fills their face
A place where the majesty of the mundane
Erupts like a sunrise

And in that place they find them
   the ancient ones
The shepherds of the flock of man
The ones who gathered and fed and protected us

The speaker stands
And slowly they approach
Like whales coming from the deep
One or two, or more, will surface to meet this swimmer
Slowly, fully, they approach

And the speaker forgets who he is
Forgets THAT he is
All he knows is his stand
Like a bush rising from the desert

Then the prophet stands before him
And this is how they speak
By standing
The facing of one soul against the other
Is far more than speech
The facing is a merging
The presence, full and oblivious
Is all the talk that is needed

And then it all begins to fade
Consciousness returns
And the speaker, remembering he has a body
Will stretch out his hand
Do not leave me!
   he seems to say
Leave me with a sign!
   he seems to say
But he will not be attended

The apparition will fade
Like the receding tide
There was nothing you or I could do to keep it
These beasts from the deep
No one can tame them
They will return to the deep

The speaker is left alone now
In a deeper emptiness than before
The echo that comes when the hall is stripped of the last twig
HE is that echo
And his existence
   the empty hall

There are those among us who speak to the prophets
Who stand in that place of silence
Where majesty irradiates from the mundane

But what do they say?
If even they don't know
How can we?

Arise and face the world!
Stand, only stand
And open your spirit fully
   to that which faces you
And like a sail
   you will be caught by a wind
Now violent, now peaceful
And the world will open up unto you
   its hidden dimensions
And those great shepherds shall emerge
And speak to you in their speechless speech
And sweep you empty
   hollow like a flute
And like the flute you will weep

Like the flute you will weep
And this weeping will strike the hearts of men
Who mistakenly will take it to be
   a message from beyond
But you will know it was only an echo
Only an echo
   of your own abandonment